Friday, April 19, 2013

H E L L O !

Welcome to my blog!

I have never had a blog before so forgive me if everything is poorly presented.
So here is my basic info:

- My name is Dian Purnamasari
- I am 18 years old
- My birthday is September 22nd, 1994
- I have a brother. He's 16 years old
- My dad has passed away 10 years ago so i only have my mom
- I live in Balikpapan, Indonesia
- My Hobbies are playing guitar and drawing
- I love Taylor Swift!
- Anime that i love the most is Naruto!
- And i really really love LOVE STORIES!

So here's my twitter @diaaan13 it's really okay to talk to me! :) Or you can add my facebook here Dian Purnamasari 
i'll post more when i'm in the right mood. Nice to meet you! :) 

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